Tuesday, January 05, 2010

New Jersey May Sked Vote This Week Legalizing Gay Marriage

             (signs from a pro-gay marriage rally in Trenton from November 23, 2009)

Even though we apparently do not have the votes in the New Jersey Senate to pass gay marriage, it's been announced that it will be put up for a vote this week.

The effort is a last-ditch attempt to pass gay marriage before the Governor-elect takes the reins on January 19th. Incoming GOP Governor Chris Christie has indicated that he would veto any gay marriage legislation that came to his desk, so a simple majority would not cut it in future votes.

The results do not look encouraging, as Reuters reports:

The outcome is uncertain, but local media reported on Tuesday that backers of the bill do not have the 21 votes necessary to win Senate passage.

Christie's victory in November has made some lawmakers wary of supporting the controversial measure, and little time remains to convince legislators whose votes are unknown or undecided, observers say.

If the bill fails in the Senate, the proposal could lie dormant for several years.

The reason for bringing up the bill now? According to Senate president Richard Codey,

"Given the intensely personal nature of this issue, I think the people of this state deserve the right to a formal debate on the Senate floor."
Personally, I am all for a vote. Given that it would be nigh impossible to pass this during Christie's tenure, why not find out who our supporters are and who our enemies are?

Just like in New York, those Democrats who choose to vote against gay marriage can look forward to aggressive primary challenges and lack of financial, and other, support from gay constituents and our allies.

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